Guide to Coverdale's Home Page

The reader is temporarily referred to Edward Clarke's Public Goods Home Page at

See also links.html at the flower1_20007 directory for geoliberal home

pages and sites.

A list of titles follows: A Stroll With Edward


Coverdale's Confessions of A Geoist Table of


Preface and Forward (geo31.html and geo32.html

Geoism and the Practice of Social Art

(geo33.html) Waiting for Turgot (geo34.htm) and

(confessions.htm) An American Romance: A Via

Media Between Memory and Hope (geo.36.htm)

From Romance to Reality: The Practice of

Everyday Life (geo37.html)

Clarke's Epilogue (authwork.html) and Afterward

(afterward.html) to Demand Revelation and the

Provision of Public Goods (forthcoming iUniverse

Press in Y2K)

Clarke's additional papers on Demand Revealing

in Theory and Practice, including Demand

Revealing Reconsiderd (DRR.html) The Demand

Revealing Governance of Enterprise (DPGE.html)

Privaltization, Regulation and the Demand

Revealing Governace of Enterprise

(PRDRGE.html) Airport Noise and Congestion

(TRB2.html) APROJECT.html and Demand

Revealing and Information Technology

Management (DRITM.html)The reader should go

to testlinks.html where these papers are available

via "hot links". The full URL is

A "hot link" can be accessed by clicking on "Links" at the Flower1 directory.

Also, at the flower1 directory, click on WHAT's NEW: A recently

published paper based on Chapter 5 of the

"Confessions", entitled "Incentive Compatible

Planning and Budgeting of 'Distributive' Federal

Programs" .

This page is further developed at Coverdale's Home Page at

(A Stroll with Edward Coverdale) which also further develops the themes of Eudaemonian (or eudaimonian) morals, politics and political economy. This page will be fully operational on December 26, 1999.

COMMENTS and INQUIRES are welcome. E-mail:

or press comments on the image map for automatic addressing..

The following will provide a easy to use link guide:

Table is under construction (11/18/99)