Stroll With Edward Coverdale concerns Eudaemonian Life, Politics,
and Political Economy as it might exist in the coming (the 21st)
Century. It is about what I have learned from my journeys with
Coverdale to date and what I might learn in the future. Coverdale
is a late 20th century moral philosopher who maintains a sense
of healthy skepticism about some of what is to be found on these
Home Pages. However, he encourages the author to expose certain
so-called advances in modern political economy to the scrutiny
of general citizens as well as to students of moral philosophy
and human psychology.
The title
of this work is inspired by Jacques Barzun’s A Stroll With William
James. What questions would James, or a modern Jamesian philosopher/psychologist
ask about this work? How does it fit into modern moral philosophy?
How does it contribute to the realization of basic human values
and of our human potential? How does it relate to “eudaemonism”?
to Webster’s unabridged, “eudaemonia” relates to happiness -
eu (the good) and daemon (spirit). Specifically in Aristotle’s
philosophy, happiness, the universal goal, derived from a life
of activity governed by reason: or the system of ethics that
considers the moral value of actions in terms of their ability
to produce happiness.